Sunday, April 25, 2010

say wut?

ahh!ak pnz je aryne..
ak pnz , pnz , pnz..
uwaaahhh!n cdey too!
npe kne jdi kat ak?
my own fault anyway..
menyampah jer.. ==
ahhhhhhhhh!i feel like screamin nw!
but im at my sys house!
shes stayin in a flat...
lg lar ak xnk jerit! @,@
i hv some major n minor probs nw..
xtau nk ngadu kat spe?
coz xde spe akn phm..
n im sick of da advise i get,,
coz its not helping at all..
they think its easy as abc..
but it hard as add math!
alahh!math base pn kau xlpz..
ne add math!gerenti fail la syg! ==
ag pe ak nk ckp?
xtauuu?i hv so many things to say!
tp bkn arr lam blog ne,,
'its kinda private,, ==
n kinda lamos n stupidos too.. 
gimme a break ar dude..
*dead jup!* 

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Slm!dengan bangga nye saya mengumumkan pemenang bagi pertandingan drama sketch kelas rancangan2 khas pada tahun 2010 xlain dan juga xbukan..SMK CONVENT TELUK INTAN..cehhh...hehe..sje je merapu..uwaaah!skulah ak mng!xsia2 aku menangis tau!hehe..uwaaah!ak engat kn kteowunk pgy peringkat!2 ak plek..well..ok la 2..kunk xblaja lgsg kn ssh lak..taun ne kn nk PMR..ak agak risau sebenar nye,,sbb ak da xblaja tok 4 ary..ak xengat apah 1 mende pn..umm..yg plg ak cdey..Pn Zainab ttp ajar sc cam bse..means that ak da manyak ketinggalan..ish..cne ne?adoi!umm..n ak da lme xg 2syen.. @,@
i hv my own excuses ok!hmph .
ok2!ak nk ckp sal part ak..ak ase nervous gle mse turn ak..mak datok..
mcm nk tercabut jantung gua ne..n ak mle kn scene ak ngan terbang n ckp
baby crow: Ark , ark . Come mother , come , come . Father is sleeping in da drain,,
mother crow : ar u ok my husband?ar u ok?ar u ok? *shake his body* [nervous]
baby crow : why is father sleepin here in the drain?wake up father.. *shake dad's body n shows a nervous face*
mother crow : owh my gawd! im sowi , my dear lil son , ur father is not able to wake up anymore . Ur father is d-dead.. (baby crow interrupts , which is me?ehehe)
baby crow : Father is..dead?
mother crow : we hv lost him . he is no longer wit us .
baby crow : HUH?!father is dead?! *started sobbing , then followed wit the tears*
ps : mak mak bapak2 datin sume..ak mmg btoi2 nangis tau,,haha,, :P
mother crow : im now alone . human ar juz so cruel.. *cryin*
baby crow : i want my father back! *sobs2 n still crying*
mother crow : wat wud eppen 2 us?humans ar juz so selfish , greedy n ignorant!
baby crow : mother! *laying on the mother's shoulder n still crying*
mother crow : son.. *memujuking the cute baby crow.. ;D
kidding2..ak tingin nk tgk mke ak..cne rupe ak,,
ngan pakai beak n those eyes..the wings n dunt 4get da make up!
ish..spe de pix aku??uwaaaaaaaahh! ==
i desperately want the pix!
anyway,, spe yg de pix 2..
kasi ak tau..nnt ak bg 5 kupang..
anyway , skulah kteowunk mng dgn izin allah dan usaha yg keras..
ak epy angat,,penat angat smpai terdmm..haha..
adoi..nnt ak smbg..ple ak penin..
to be continued
sowi as she is not feeling that well..

Sunday, April 4, 2010


pe kes ne?hehe..kwn2 ak sume da update blog dyorunk..
ak je yg xwat ag..uwaaaa...cian blog ak ne,,dlupe kn.. TT,TT
smalam besh gle!of coz..Canteen day..hehe..besh gle..
ak mam xengat dunie..owh yeah owh yeah..kupon ak 20 engget abes kot!
mmg kembung prot!haha!buncit kot!akak ekin ley ckp ag...bpe bulan 2?
haha!buncit pwas arr.,,knyg.,.mcm2 ak bli..nmpk makanan je ak bli..
then nmpk ice blended..bli ag..then..nmpk dadih,,bli..ngan kek coklat nye,,
n ak msk rumah an2...i think its so stupid..sowi yer..,especially class 3 dinamik..
xtkt lgsg..sowi mmg xbesh..sowi klo wat kowunk aket aty..ak ase mcm xberbaloi je..
sbb kowunk wat 1 je antu..n its abidatul..ak terkejut..ak engat kn 3D akan wat umah an2 yg besh..
tp ok la..ak owg yg 1st kuar...bowink angat..dyorunk tkt mende yg xptt dyorunk tkt.,.
tp 4 cerdas nye beshhh!ak msk ngan saba tau..then..1st arr an2 ne..
tgn dya mcm nk meraba2 ak ley slm dya..haha..begok..
then..an2 kdua la..rmbt dya pnjg..ak ley trik rambut dya..haha..then ak ngan saba
g arr kat corner class 2 n nmpk de owg goyang kn mende tau,,ak ckp la hye,,ngah wat pe 2?
pas2 kteowunk glak2..pusing blakunk je pocong!mak..tros ak jerit..terkejut kot..
haha!mmg besh..pndai dyowunk..2 la..blagak xtkt konon..last2 terjerit..n kteowunk dpt lolipop!yayyy!
thanx 3 cerdas 4 da wonderfull show..ak de beli tiket 4 xg pn..
coz xde spe yg de tket ak juz buang je la...
n dyowunk ckp 4G nye besh..gelap..kne rabe2 cket..2 arr yg besh..bwu rawk!
then , saba cte ngan ak kn.,.dya msk class 4G..dya ckp de 1 an2 ne stakat pkai ptg je,,
dya antu ne 2njuk2 ptg kat dya..pas2 saba ckp.. "HAHAHA" ps2 dya g dkt kn antu 2 kat saba
n saba ckp "HAHAHA" last2..an2 2 yg blek glak kn dya...ak xley byg kn..
da la dya g xajk ak..siap la ko saba!hmph. xnk kawe..
tp canteen day mmg besh..i luv 2010!buttt , PMR
i hate 2010! ;D hehe..kiddin...i juz hope that dis year will b better than last year,,
seriously..last year was a suck year..i mean life was never horable as last year!
owh shit!mampos kowunk!u know who i mean rite?of coz..those 3 bitches yg femes angat 2,,
n dunt ag?ok..1 thing la ak nk ckp...
ak nk PMR kn taun ne?so..i shud juz 4get bout da past n 4give em rite?
but i dunno y , it hards  4 not a gurlz who can easily 4give n 4get...nope..
ak ne len cket..i did talk bout dis ngan fad,,
n he said i shud change my attitude,,but how?ssh kot..ntah arr,,,ak pn xphm ngan diwi ak..
i mean..i know im selfish..totally..i dunt care bout others but juz myself..
im cruel , heartless n pe ag ak pn xtau..ak ne bkn nye alim cam Ecah'..
*sighs* tah la...i dunt understand,,2 je..
-the end-
written by : ♪FS♪