Saturday, January 30, 2010


haha..klaka dow..
akak ngan abg ak nk angat bce blog ak,,
ak da ase len mcm da..
alamak...cne ngan post terbaru ne,,
mati la klo dyorunk bce,,
aduish..n guess wat?
ak sempat ""brrrooommmm""
g msk blek mak ak then edit jd private,,
pewh,..nsb bek sempat,,
klo xmmg jd topix hangat arr mlm ne..
fuhh..ALLAH tlg ak aryne..thanx! :*
haha..fuhh..ak ase lege angat..

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Hey..dis topix rawks..
4 those who read dis...
err..sowi if i hurt u..
ive been hurt so muchhh..
i dunt rely understand y u're doin dis,.
do u feel satisfied?happy?
do u feel gud after backstabbin ur fwens?
wats the meanin of true fwens?
things like backstabbin alwaz eppen..
usually after dat particular sum1 trusted dis sum1..
i dunt understand..wat did u get by doin dis?
i thought ure my besh fwen,,,
but dis is how u treat me..
its so hurt,,mayb u hv ur own reason,,,
i dunno..but...WTF?! is the reason?
know wat..i even doubt..
who's my true fwens n who's not?
dis is da life,,
ive been really patient wit this..
my life is meaningless without fwens,,,
but,,if dis the way my fwens treat me..
they're will be no "TRUE FRIENDS"
in dis world..
im not sayin bad things about u,.,
no..ure my juz givin my advice..
although i think its kinda a waste of time..
to all my fwens..sowi if i backstabbed or hurt u..
i didn't mean it.. TT,TT
sometimes i can't control my temper...
i know i shudn't write bout dis topix..its sensitive,,
n i might even lose a fwen of my stupid-selfish-go-die-farah-mission-owh-no

T,T i dunt want 2 lose even ""a"" fwens..
all of u mean the world 2 me..besides my parents n him..himmmmm?!spe? ahhh
jkkkkkk.. :DDD haha..n my cat too..n my lil sis kecik..

miss u yuri,kiku,comel,yuya,shori n my other cats,,
i'll remember u guys till the last day of my life..
thats all..plz comment wat do u think,,,
again..sowi if u terasa ok..
i know dis topix is sensitive...
dis topix is general..4 all..
p/s kome jgn terase lak..ak tau
kome kn dak bek..
xkn nk backstabbed ak lak..
-farah is so saddd.-

Sunday, January 24, 2010

B to the Y to the E

err..wats dis topix about?
its kinda pretty weird n yeah
wth is dis gurlz talkin bout
-her weirdness is terserlah now-
err..sje je wat topix ne,,
xde mkne pn..
juz that the boringness is attacking so fast that make
me wanna die n eat my sofa kat dpn
clap2 kucin aku pn ak telan,,
haha..sowi guys..
bi ak ne xbgs angat..
so mayb ak ckp mixed kot..
heeee..thats alll..

-shes so lazy so yeah-


err..aku da pecah kn rekod ker?
wat blog 3 kli berturut2?
i dunt think so..
i mean..camon..
ader owg len yg ag manyak ckp dri aku,,
kn?ngaku jer ler yob! :P
the boringness is attacking meee
elpp..n the stomach keep sayin,,
food! food!we're hungry,,
ox ko arr lpo..
ak ag lpo..stakat mkn telor ngan roti sebijik mne arr ckp..
ehh. jup!
spe ckp p.puan xkwat mamam?
ak kwat mamam tau..
food is life..ahahahhaa..err
btw,,klo kome de ym or h.mail..
add ler ym gua,.
n umm..klo nk add..
ckp arr spe n mne dpt id..
klo xmungken ak akan reject..
bab ak tkt..
skunk ne manyak hacker dow..
n lam lis block ak da de 3 owg,,
bertuah toi kome..

p/s i know im bowink..
the boringness is eating me..
-is she deaddd?-


Hye again,,
penat arr aryne,,
week ne gle packed..
cme ler kome byg kn..
isnin to sat skul..
n ahad r.puteri..
then the 2syen n so on,,
pe la nk wat kn,,
taun ne nk pmr kn..
ak engat taun ne nk pmr xde arr packed angat,,
aktiviti skul pn bse2 jer..
ne smpai ary ahad pn de gak! bgs gak..
xde arr ak dok buang mse kat umah men pc un?

my aim dis year : 8'As
p/s : i know u can do it gurlz..juz krg kn ur on9 time n yeah..go n cmpk ur cp away!menyeboking ajer.

thats all..thanx u!
-farah is starting to talk crap-
wat kind of blog i hv?
full wit boringness..
i can finish eating biscuit rather than typing.


hmm..wat 2 say?
nothin interestin about my life,,
its pretty bowink..
farah rowk da world ehh?
sumtimes..sometimes i do stupid things
n yeah,,da pecah 1 rekod..
ehh dak kecik ne.,.
im proud of u gurlz..
err..aku ne sah da xbtol..

-farah still rawk her world-
p/s jgn jeles! >:P


hey all Farah,,.
n im totally new here,,
im not that gud at blogging or watever we called it..
err..i talk a lot..
n err..thats all..

i saw my fwens doin this
n copying em..
-fs rowk da world-